Community Advocate:

Jim served as President of the Peninsula Property Owners Association for six years and is widely credited with making major improvements to area landscape maintenance, lighting projects, and other transforming projects to improve quality of life and enhance property values.


Jim served for six years on the Board of The Peninsula Community Foundation helping to raise funds for lake area charities. He is a member of the North Mecklenburg Rotary Club and works as a volunteer for Big Brothers & Big Sister during the Big Day at the Lake event.

Water Task Force Chair:

Jim was appointed by then Mayor Tarte to Chair the Mayor’s Water Task Force.  Using his knowledge of utility management, Jim is widely acknowledged as a driving force for  major improvements to utility service and billing practices.  Due to the work of the Task Force, a major reorganization of Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities was accomplished and customer service significantly improved.

Jim in discussion with Barry Gullet, Director of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities Department.

Jim in discussion with Barry Gullet, Director of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities Department.

Mecklenburg County Committee Chair:

Jim was also appointed by Charlotte Mayor Foxx to the Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities Advisory Committee.  Jim now Chairs that group and has been a guiding force for continued system improvements.

Board Member of Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce:

Jim was appointed by Mayor Travis to represent the Town on the Chamber Board.  He takes an active role in promoting local businesses and can be seen at numerous Chamber events.

Cornelius PARC Board:

Jim serves as an ad hoc Member of the Parks, Arts, Recreation, and Culture [PARC] Board.  In this role he has championed improvements to local park maintenance and improvement project.  His emphasis is on bringing older parks up to newly set standards for the entire community.  Jim is working with PARC Commissioners in planning for the expenditure of recently passed bond funding.